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He was by no means as beautiful as Todd had once been, but there was a gravitas in his physiognomy which Todd's corn-fed charm could never have approached. Though none of the light from the hallway seemed to illuminate the world on the other side of the doorway, Tammy could see the man's face quite clearly: his severely angular features, his long, braided beard, black shot through with streaks of gray his dark, heavy-lidded eyes. He hung back from the door, eyeing it with suspicion and awe. The veins at his temples were throbbing, his mouth was slack his blood-shot eyes seemed to have difficulty focusing on her. But she'd never seen the look of stupefaction he wore right now. She was probably more familiar with his face, and with his limited palette of expressions, than she was with her own. He stared at his maimed hand for a moment, then he turned from his mutilator and stumbled back towards the door. Blood spurted out from the wounds, and Zeffer let out a cry that was one part disbelief to two of agony. The Duke lifted his sword and brought it down in a great swooping arc that cut through the meat of Zeffer's right hand, taking off all four of his fingers, and the top half of his thumb. Whether the Duke took this harmless motion as some attempt at aggression, and reacted to protect himself, or whether he simply wanted to do harm Tammy would never know. Only now, as he stumbled across the ground before them, did Zeffer raise his arms to protect himself against the swordsmen. The horsemen were waiting on the other side, swords at the ready. Then-summoning one last Herculean effort of will-he gave Tammy a tiny smile and closed the door in her face. There was a long moment when in fact he did nothing only teetered on the threshold, his eyelids growing lazy. He had his eyes fixed on Tammy as he did so, as though he was drawing the power to do whatever he was planning to do from her. Zeffer threw back his head, and caught hold of the edge of the door with his unmaimed hand.

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There was a terrible cracking sound, as the blade cracked Zeffer's breastbone and then the point emerged from the middle of his chest. Not a pretty prospect.īy now Tammy had recovered sufficiently to grab hold of Todd's arm and pull him back from the threshold.įive stairs up, Tammy chanced a backward glance, but Katya was still standing in front of the door. What have I done? Did a woman like that ever think-'what have I done'? With Zeffer gone, she would be alone in Coldheart Canyon. She was simply staring at the door as though she could see through it to the horror on the other side. The sight of Zeffer's execution had momentarily distracted Katya from any further mischief.

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Then Duke Goga came at Zeffer again and drove his sword through the middle of his back.

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They had a moment only to look at one another. Todd muttered to himself.Christ oh Christ oh Christ.įor an instant, he lifted his eyes, and his eyes met Tammy's.

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